
  • What is R
  • Why use R
  • Who use R
  • Getting Started with R

What is R?

  • A statistical programming environment
    • based on ‘S’
    • suited to high-level data analysis
  • But offers much more than just statistics
  • Open source and cross platform
  • Extensive graphics capabilities
  • Diverse range of add-on packages
  • Active community of developers
  • Thorough documentation

R screenshot

R screenshot

New York Times, Jan 2009

New York Times, Jan 2009

Why R?

We can do lot of stuffs in R. Starting from statestical analysis to plotting graphs and figures, Writing technical documentation to making a website and lot more. Lets explore.

R can facilitate Reproducible Research

Sidney Harris - New York Times

Sidney Harris - New York Times

  • Statisticians at MD Anderson tried to reproduce results from a Duke paper and unintentionally unravelled a web of incompetence and skullduggery
    • as reported in the New York Times
New York Times, July 2011

New York Times, July 2011

  • Very entertaining talk from Keith Baggerly in Cambridge, December 2010

According to recent editorials, the reproducibility crisis is still on-going

Nature, May 2016

Nature, May 2016

Reality check on reproducibility

1,500 scientists lift the lid on reproducibility

Getting started

R can be done/executed using command line, or a graphical user interface (GUI). On this course, we use the RStudio GUI. Lets download required files and install.

  1. Get latest version of R from CRAN
    • This will come will some base packages installed for general tasks.
    • We can also download additional required packages from CRAN for specific tasks, Currently 16328 available packages as of Mon Sep 21 09:58:59 2020
  2. Download RStudio from here

To launch RStudio, find the RStudio icon and click

RStudio screenshot

RStudio screenshot

Key Points

  • Vast Graphics control in R
  • Reproducibility can done with R

Created and Maintained by Sangram Keshari Sahu
Rmarkdown Template used from Rmdplates package
Licensed under CC-BY 4.0
Source Code At GitHub